Jewelry in the Works

I’m really excited about all the new jewelry supplies I got. I’ve been working mostly on pendants lately. I’m trying to make sort of off-beat cameos that have the look of Psychobilly Elegance. Hope you likey!

Jewelry in the Works from Marissa Rhoades on Vimeo.

Marissa’s Pick of the Week – M.A.C. Lip Pencils

I absolutely love M.A.C. Lip Pencils ($13)! They glide on smoothly, wear for a long time and have great coverage. I like wearing these more than lipstick because you get more precise results. I like to wear 2 lip pencils; one for the liner and one as the lipstick, then top it with a Lip Glass ($14.50) or Tinted Lip Conditioner ($14.50) Some of my favorite combinations are:

Bright Hot Pink
Line: Cherry
Lip: Magenta
Gloss: Viva Glam Gaga lip Glass

Neutral Brown
Line: Cork
Lip: Subculture
Gloss: Soothing Beige Tinted Lip Conditioner

Line: Brick
Lip: Cherry
Gloss: Viva Glam Cyndi Lip Glass

Line: Stripdown
Lip: Oak
Gloss: C-Thru Lip Glass

Ask Marissa…Good Full Coverage Foundation and Masks

Jane Doe: Can you recommend a good foundation for covering up redness and acne scars? Another silly question to is about masks I have never used one are they beneficial for my skin what do they do?

MeAs for a good full coverage foundation, MAC Studio Sculpt ($29.50) would be great for those concerns. It’s also oil free and sets itself so you don’t need a powder. 

Masks do different things. For a deep cleansing (sucking all the crap out of your pores and preventing acne) I would suggest Clinique Acne Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask ($20). For a moisture boost, I really like Laura Mercier’s Intensive moisture mask ($32). It’s oil free, so it’s safe for acne prone or sensitive skin. If you want to brighten your skin, Clinique Turnaround Instant Facial ($36.50) is amazing! It promotes rapid cell renewal (the birth of new skin cells to replace old dull ones), so your skin will be bright and radiant.

Hope this Helps,

Looking Greasy in the Club?

 In the 6 or so years I’ve maintained social networking profiles, I noticed a horrible epidemic plaguing a lot of young women:  pictures of them in night clubs were REALLY bad. Their heads were whiter than their bodies and their faces were greasy looking. Camera flash is not very generous to our features, but super generous to our flaws. All these pretty girls were looking deathly ill.

I didn’t go to school for makeup artistry, so everything I know is basically through trial and error. Here are some things I’ve learned about flash photography:

DO contour appropriately
DO use a foundation and powder a couple shades darker than your skin tone, or cover your neck and shoulders with your normal foundation
DO use matte finish foundations, concealers and powders. This includes blush. Eye makeup isn’t as important to be matte, but it does make a more beautiful picture.

DON’T use shimmery finishes on your face. This will make you look greasy and gross.
DON’T use foundations or concealers with pink undertones. This will make you look pale or ashy.

Here is the difference between a do and a don’t:
I used a matte finish foundation, concealer, powder and blush.
A light colored lip gloss with no shimmer and minimal glitter will accentuate you natural lip color.
On my eyes is just a black crayon that I blended upwards. I didn’t use a highlighter.
When you contour correctly, there’s no need to highlight.
I used my normal radiant finish foundation with a satin finish concealer.
I used a shimmery loose powder followed by a sheer coral blush and shimmery highlighter on my cheekbones.
You can see that I look really greasy and my face is lighter than my neck. This makeup is beautiful in person, but doesn’t translate well in flash photography. 
Here’s what it looks like without flash:

Ask Marissa…Clinique Discontinued Clarifying Makeup!

Jane Doe: Clinique stopped carrying the foundation I use, what do you like as a medium coverage foundation for oily skins? I’ve been looking around and nothing has jumped out at me yet. I am almost out, so I am going to need to get some soon.

MeWhich foundation did you use? Have you tried their Acne Solutions foundation ($24.50)? It’s pretty amazing. I also like Teint Idol Freshwear ($32) by Lancome. I know you don’t have a MAC near you, but if you ever make it Louisville, try Studio Fix Liquid foundation ($26). Studio fix controls oil throughout the day and has buildable coverage.

Jane DoeI can’t remember the name of it. It was their last acne one that was in tube. It always separated if it sat for too long. I am sure that’s why they got rid of it.

MeIt was either Continuous Coverage Makeup or Clarifying Makeup.

Jane Doe: Clarifying. You are on it!

MeSome people use their brains for money. I use mine for beauty. It’s way less shallow. LOL.
You would love the new Acne Solutions one then. Its not thick. It’s actually kind of creamy. It has a natural finish so you don’t look all dry and cakey. Plus it controls oil and keeps skin clear with salicylic acid.

Jane DoeCool. i will have to check it out. Thanks for the advice!
MeClinique gives foundation samples now too. 😀

Real beauty for Real Women