Pick of the Week…The Body Shop Seaweed Scrub

Jane Doe: Clinique stopped carrying the foundation I use, what do you like as a medium coverage foundation for oily skins? I’ve been looking around and nothing has jumped out at me yet. I am almost out, so I am going to need to get some soon.
Me: Which foundation did you use? Have you tried their Acne Solutions foundation ($24.50)? It’s pretty amazing. I also like Teint Idol Freshwear ($32) by Lancome. I know you don’t have a MAC near you, but if you ever make it Louisville, try Studio Fix Liquid foundation ($26). Studio fix controls oil throughout the day and has buildable coverage.
Jane Doe: I can’t remember the name of it. It was their last acne one that was in tube. It always separated if it sat for too long. I am sure that’s why they got rid of it.
Me: It was either Continuous Coverage Makeup or Clarifying Makeup.
Jane Doe: Clarifying. You are on it!
Me: Some people use their brains for money. I use mine for beauty. It’s way less shallow. LOL.
You would love the new Acne Solutions one then. Its not thick. It’s actually kind of creamy. It has a natural finish so you don’t look all dry and cakey. Plus it controls oil and keeps skin clear with salicylic acid.
A couple weeks ago Promise Phan (one of the most talented makeup gurus on YouTube) posted a link to http://prettyandcute.com/ on Facebook. There, I discovered a magical brand of Korean cosmetics called Lioele. It’s a fairly new company whose business model is the Cinderella story (evident in their packaging). Lioele believes that true beauty can be found in everyone. Lately, I’ve been seeing pores that I never saw before. Thus began the search for pore shrinking skincare products that wouldn’t dry me out in the winter. On the Pretty and Cute website, I saw the Pore Clean & Tightening Pack ($20). The picture showed 2 tubes so I thought, The clay mask was a dark gray color that had the same consistency as other masks I’ve used. It did have a distinct smell of leeks. Leeks aren’t in the ingredients, but I don’t know what else to compare it to. It was very fresh, crisp, and green smelling. Not quite grass. Not quite celery. just plant like. During application, the scent of the mask started to calm me. I was liking it more and more. When it started to dry, I could feel it going to work. It felt almost as if there were little suction cups sucking all the crap out of my face. It didn’t hurt or feel itchy like some other masks do.
“Great,” I said. “I’m aging.”
“This looks interesting. It’s like a 2-step pore tightening system.”
Well I was wrong. Only 1 box came. So then I thought,
“Okay? So maybe it’s like a gel peel or something.”
Wrong again.
What it actually is, is a mask. Yup. Just a mask. I was really disappointed, but then I tried it.
My new love is Lush skincare. Everything is handmade with natural, perishable ingredients. The most interesting of my purchases is the Saving Face solid serum ($13.95). I have to admit that the bizarre idea of a solid serum is what initially attracted me to this product. After reading the ingredients and viewing a demo, I took one home with me and fell in love after the first use. I have now been using it for 3 weeks and still get as excited to use it as I was the first time. This vegan wonder tablet is loaded with so many skin delicious ingredients, I can’t believe it all fits into something I can hide in the palm of my hand.
Thyme – This key ingredient helps with acne because it is a natural astringent, helps keep skin clear due to its anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, and protects skin because it’s a free radical crime fighter (powerful antioxidant).
Jojoba Oil – lasting moisture and antioxidant
Chlorophyllin – Naturally derived from plants, it is a great antioxidant and repels pollutants such as cigarette smoke, smog, and diesel emissions.
Don’t let the the “oils” in this recipe scare you. What a lot of oily skin types don’t know is that natural essential oils are good for us. It’s mineral oil that is our enemy. My skin started clearing up when I added Saving Face to my regimen. Try it out at your local Lush store. They are VERY generous with samples.