I love Vimeo! It’s a positive, encouraging community of artists that share their passion to create in the form of video. The site is clean, organized and aesthetically pleasing. There aren’t annoying ads everywhere, nor mean spirited viewers that leave hateful, unproductive criticism. This site is about sharing your art, and building a support system. I actually have more videos posted on my Vimeo Channel than on YouTube because there are less limitations. YouTube makes me compromise what I want my finished product to be, so you’ll also notice slight differences in some of the original videos on Vimeo. If you haven’t subscribed to my channel yet, please do. On my channel, you can watch makeup videos that include tutorials and cosmetic product reviews. I give away the more exclusive and hard to find beauty products for Vimeo contests, so it benefits subscribers all the way around.
Category Archives: diy
Subscribe for Free Makeup!
Kitschkween is holding her very first contest giveaway! Subscribe to KitschkweenDIY on Youtube and Kitschkween on Vimeo. A user name will be randomly picked using an online raffler. The prizes are as follows:
Youtube Giveaway:
2 samples of That Gal makeup primer by Benefit Cosmetics
1 Deluxe sample of Posie Tint Cheek and Lip Stain by Benefit Cosmetics
1 Duo ended lip gloss in “Zone Out” and “Friends in High Places” By Benefit Cosmetics
1 Rollerball of “Miracle” EDP fragrance by Lancome
1 Giant Bow ring handmade by Kitshkween
1 Punky Rainbow ring handmade by Kitschkween
Vimeo Giveaway:
1 M.A.C. “Heartless” lipstick from the Venomous Villains collection
1 M.A.C. “Bite of an Apple” powder blush from the Venomous Villains collection
1 custom made signature “Kitsch” trucker hat handmade by Kitschkween
Dope right?
There are no strings attached to winning this free makeup. An email address isn’t even asked for, so no solicitation is involved. The same person can win both prizes if they have a subscription to both channels. All you have to do is subscribe to enter.
The winner will be announced once Youtube subscribers reach 200 and Vimeo subscribers climb to 100. The winner can only claim the prize if they send a message directly to Kitschkween’s Youtube and/or Vimeo inbox depending on which contest they win. Good Luck!!!
Tokidoki Makeup Review and Tutorial
I’ve always loved the super kawaii clutter of Tokidoki Designs. Now they have a whole cosmetics line available at Sephora that I couldn’t refuse. I really didn’t expect much from makeup in packaging so cute it made me want to vomit rainbows and unicorns, but I was pleasantly surprised. My video shows what I love about the eyeshadows, brushes, mascara, lip stain and lip glosses. There are also swatches and an application tutorial. Tokidoki!!! SQUEE!!!
Integrity. Love. Unity. – Why I Am a Kerli Fan
Deep in the woods of Estonia, a little Moonchild was born. Her free spirit, big heart and artistic soul could hardly confine this whimsical creature to such a tiny place in the world. Keeping her integrity, her passion for self expression made her into the surreal beauty known as Kerli.
Jay (hair guy for Pomps n’ Gloss) was who first told me about Kerli. Knowing my love for gothic-lolita style he said
“You have to check her out on myspace. You would just DIE!!!”And I did. I swear I couldn’t stop squealing. Then something magical happened. I pressed PLAY on the music box thingy, and it was all over. Not only was she the closest thing to my perfect doll, but her music was awesome too! I was hooked- a Kerli fan for life.
As I did a little more Kerli Googling, I found that I was drawn to her makeup (which she does herself). It was so clean, yet fantasy like. Everything she wore (which she mostly makes) and sung (which she writes all of) was an inspiration to me.
Now for the icing on the cake…Kerli started the movement of The Moonchildren. A Moonchild is “one who belongs to a community of integrity, love and unity.” She is very spiritual and grounded. She is crafty and resourceful. She is original and generous.
If you know nothing about this amazing artist, you can learn more about her on her Moonchild Academy website where my makeup tutorial was featured. She offers free downloads of her music and you can see all her videos (all the concepts are hers) on youtube. She makes music videos, craft tutorials and video logs.
I hope you all fall in love with her like I did. She really is amazing. There is something for everyone to like about Kerli.
Kerli Inspired Gothic Lolita Makeup Tutorial from Marissa Rhoades on Vimeo.
My First Live Vending Event
I was a vendor at my daughter’s school carnival last weekend. Here is what my table looked like.