Beauty on a Budget Tip #3 -Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial essential oil. You can find pure tea tree oil at your local flea market, apothecary, natural food store, and even the dollar store. Instead of spending a bunch of money on zit creams, foot powders and anti-dandruff hair products, try applying some of this natural alternative. A little goes a long way, so here are some ways to use it:

For body irritations such as rashes, stings, bites, burns and soreness:
add about 5 drops to your bath and soak for about 15 mins.

athletes foot or nail fungus:
rub a small amount on the target area

add a drop to your shampoo or
mix with water (1 tbs tea tree oil/1 cup water), spritz on scalp and wash the next morning

add a tiny amount to the target area after moisturizer

One thought on “Beauty on a Budget Tip #3 -Tea Tree Oil”

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